The Approval Role

The Approval Role

Approvers and payers have the ability to review, adjust, approve and deny expense reports, or deny some of the line items in an otherwise approved expense report. 

Note: If the administrator has enabled "on the fly" approvers, an approver can approve and then forward a report to another approver. The other approver can review and approve the report the same way as the report's designated approver. See Setting Up Approvals for details.

If a report is adjusted or denied (or a line item is denied), the submitter receives a notification with a link to click to make changes to the report. The submitter can take back a report before it has completed the payment process (see Submitting or Taking Back an Expense Report for details).

Locating Staff Expense Reports

Approving or Denying an Expense Report

Reviewing and Denying Line Items in an Expense Report

Adjusting an Expense Report

Reviewing Cost Allocation in an Expense Report