Dynamic Site Messaging (DSM) to promote New Deem Migration

Dynamic Site Messaging provides a way to communicate travel policy, vendor recommendations, and much more. Messaging is available on both desktop and mobile; it is also available on Deem confirmation emails.



Link to overview and video demonstration on how to use Dynamic Site Messaging


Use Dynamic Site Messaging to inform travelers of the migration to New Deem.

This is an optional communication for New Deem migration.

Classic Deem

Classic Deem Example Messaging:

Welcome to Deem, we are excited to introduce an exciting new platform. 

<a href=https://new-deem.document360.io/ rel="noopener" target="_blank"><u>Click here,</u></a> for further information. To access our exciting new platform please click Switch to New Deem.


Classic Deem Advanced Script:

//Classic DEEM

var type= UserPnrData.ClientDeviceType;

 if (type=="DESKTOP")






New Deem

New Deem Example Messaging:

Welcome to Deem, we are excited to introduce an exciting new platform. 

<a href=https://new-deem.document360.io/ rel="noopener" target="_blank"><u>Click here,</u></a> for further information.


New Deem Advanced Script:

//New DEEM

var type= UserPnrData.ClientDeviceType;

 if (type!="NEWDEEMDESKTOP")




