Deprecated Configurations & Features on New Deem

Some features and dashboard configurations have been deprecated on New Deem. If you need more information, please contact your Deem representative.





Option to search by price or schedule

Schedule search is now embedded within the price search and is the only search type displayed.

Pin a seat on Search Results page

The option to select a seat is available on the Review Trip page (pre-booking) and on the Trip Details page (post-booking).

Fare type on Trip Planner page

Fare type will not be an option on the Trip Planner page.

Preferred connecting airport on Trip Planner page

Preferred connecting airport will be an option on the Search Results as a filter (coming soon).

Matrix on Car Rental page

The Car Rental page will no longer support the matrix.

Delivery & collection

Car search results no longer support delivery and collection.

Multi-guest hotel booking (in same room)

Not supported.

Configuration for single fare & lowest fare only

Not supported.

Color customization and font size in Dynamic Site Messaging (DSM)

New Deem will support images, banners, and links in Dynamic Site Messaging (DSM). Admins will be able to use HTML to customize DSMs with italics, bold, and hyperlinks. Text colors and font size are not supported.

Display customer-defined help link

Not supported.

Password security: maximum sign-in attempts

Not supported.

Password security: user lockout time

Not supported.

Password security: activate "Remember Me" feature

Not supported.

Password security: enable secret question and answer for password reset 

Not supported.

Display configuration Select default fare type

This display configuration is applicable to Classic only because we default the user to the fare tab. However, users can still switch tabs. New Deem doesn't have the tab layout, so it is not applicable, all fares configured to be displayed are displayed and no fare is defaulted to.

Address book & contacts

No longer used

Special handling in the purchase flow

Deprecated and to be replaced with Custom Fields

Single fares
