Selecting a Hotel

Selecting a Hotel

After searching for a hotel (see Searching for a Hotel for details), the Select your Hotel page appears.  

If you already filtered your hotel search for hotels with certain amenities, the search results are limited to hotels that offer those amenities; otherwise, the results start with preferred hotels (see Service Preferences to learn about service preferences, including hotels). 

Using the Hotel Search Map

The Hotel Search Map at the top of the screen displays each hotel with a note showing a number, which corresponds to the number in the search results for that hotel. Hotels near each other may show a cluster of notes – hover your pointer over them to see each hotel. 

The map also shows a pin for locations such as the airport or other reference points, so that you can see at a glance how far the hotel is from these locations. 

You can collapse the map by clicking the Collapse link. After collapsing the map, you can expand the map by clicking Expand.

Modifying and Filtering Your Search

You can modify or filter the search by using the filtering tools under the Your Search heading in the left column. Click the Modify Search button in the "Your Search" heading to modify every aspect of your hotel search.

Under Narrow Your Choices in the left column, you can narrow or widen or choices as follows:

  • Click Set to my Hotel preferences or Show all to narrow or widen your choices based on your preferences (see Service Preferences for details about setting preferences).
  • Enter a hotel name in the Hotel name field, and click Find to find only hotels that match the name.
  • To narrow your results by hotel brand, click the checkboxes for brand names in the Brand scrolling box. (To clear your choices, click the Check none link under the scrolling box.)
  • To narrow your results by distance, choose the mileage from the Search within drop-down menu.
  • To narrow your results by star rating, click the checkbox in the By Star Rating section for the lowest rating you are willing to see in the results. For example, if you click three stars, the results include all three-star, four-star, and five-star hotels.
  • To narrow your results by amenities, click the checkboxes for amenities in the By Amenities scrolling box. (To clear your choices, click the Check none link under the scrolling box.)

Sorting and Selecting Hotels

To sort your results, choose an option (such as PreferredPrice, Distance, or Company Policy) in the Sort by drop-down menu at the top of the search results.

To select a hotel and see its room rates:

  • If the See room rates button appears for a hotel, click it to see its room rates. The hotel selection expands to show its available rooms.
    • Click the Select button beside the room to book the room.

    • Click the Room/Rate details link under a room description to see room rate details, including cancellation policies.
    • Click Hide room rates to hide the rooms and continue looking at rooms in other hotels.
  • If the See room rates button does not appear, click the Check availability link to perform an availability check. The Hotel Details page appears with available rooms or a message saying none are available.

TipHover your pointer over the Address link for a hotel, and a tool tip will appear with the hotel address and phone number. You can also compare two or more hotels by clicking the Compare checkbox for each hotel you want to compare, and then clicking the Compare Now button that appears.

After selecting your hotel for one city in a multi-city trip, the Select Your Hotel page appears again for the next trip segment. Follow the same instructions above to sort the search results and select your next hotel.

If you searched for a car rental, you can now select the car rental – see Selecting a Car Rental. If your reservations are complete, the Review your trip page appears – see Reviewing the Trip Elements.