Selecting a Car Rental

Selecting a Car Rental

After searching for a car rental (see Searching for a Car Rental for details), the Choose Your Car page appears. Preferred car rental sizes and agencies appear first in the search results (see Service Preferences to learn about service preferences, including car rental size and agency membership). 

Some sites may display a matrix at the top of the page that shows a summary of the cars in your search results, with the preferred car size highlighted. Click a different car size, or a different car rental agency, to narrow your search results. You can also click a particular cell to see only that choice. To collapse the matrix, click the Collapse matrix link at the bottom of the matrix. After collapsing the matrix, you can expand the matrix by clicking Expand matrix.

To sort your results, choose an option (such as PreferredPrice or Company Policy) in the Sort by drop-down menu at the top of the search results.

Hover your pointer over an entry in the search results to see estimated price details. Click the Select button for a car to reserve it.

After selecting your car rental for one city in a multi-city trip, the Choose Your Car page appears again for the next trip segment. Follow the same instructions above to sort the search results and select your next car rental.

After selecting your car rental, the "Review your trip" page appears – see Reviewing the Trip Elements.